Gemini head portrait


May 21 to June 21
Gemini personality: Gemini people are jumpy in thinking, clever in eloquence, have a lot of tricks, often speak amazingly, but have a tendency to be half-hearted, emotional ups and downs, and difficult to concentrate.
Ruling house: third
Manage planets: : Mercury
Attribute: positive
Five Elements: wind
Today's Lucky numbers: ③ Ⅲ
Today's Lucky direction: northeast ↗
Today's lucky color: corn yellow or Cherry red or olive yellow
Today's Lucky Fragrance: sweet-scented osmanthus
Today's auspicious ornaments: crystal ornament or Pixiu bracelet
The best match for the constellation: Aquarius, Libra(Today best: Gemini)

Gemini girl personality♀

Advantage: Diversity, multiple ideas, quick thinking

Weakness: cunning, fickle, scheming

Personality description:
Active Kailang's learning attitude, like to constantly have new knowledge, like communication, and master fresh and fast information. The quiet looking Gemini also has a very active heart. They hate invariance and like constant change. They prefer to concentrate on all kinds of unknown fields, which often gives people the feeling of playfulness.

Gemini boy personality♂

Advantage: Imaginative, cheerful, responsive

Weakness: Love the new and hate the old, love to speculate

Personality description:
Gemini boys are a kind of charming and some whimsical people. They are calm, amiable and often give the impression that they will always be outsiders. They like instant change, but they don't like eternity. They are good at using their brains to find ways. They are a talent with strong innovation ability and suitable for mental work. His endless thirst for knowledge and curiosity inspired him to pursue and explore. They often have doubts about love and like to use satire as a weapon to protect themselves. But they know the world. It is easy to win the trust and preference of others.

Today's Gemini Prediction

Gemini Astrological Prediction for April 2024, The composite index was 82.50, Ranked No.7 in the Today's horoscope (View 12 Horoscope Rankings) Today's Gemini Babies, The financial luck journey (90 points) is very good, and one can make progress in financial luck; The love index is not very poor, and a sense of tolerance is indispensable in family life. It is important to be tolerant of each other's shortcomings and mistakes, but at the same time, do not lose sight of the bottom line. Today, your most compatible zodiac sign is Gemini. Dare to confess to your Gemini partner, saying goodbye to being single may be today. The guardian constellation of Gemini is most active from 6:00-7:00 PM today, which is the best time for Gemini's luck. At the same time, it faces northeast during this time u2197 The direction is even better for your luck. …[more..]