Leo head portrait


July 23 to August 22
Leo personality: Leo people are self-confident and self-improving, have extraordinary bearing, have great leadership and control ability, never admit defeat, and are born nobles and kings. It's just that sometimes excessive pursuit of profit, and even a little conceited, reckless, self-centered.
Ruling house: fifth
Manage planets: : Sun
Attribute: positive
Five Elements: fire
Today's Lucky numbers: ⑨ Ⅸ
Today's Lucky direction: South ↓
Today's lucky color: Ocean Blue or orange or pale yellow
Today's Lucky Fragrance: floral
Today's auspicious ornaments: safety button or obsidian pendant
The best match for the constellation: Aries, Sagittarius(Today best: Cancer)

Leo girl personality♀

Advantage: good-hearted, loving

Weakness: Love to stand out, love to compare

Personality description:
She has unlimited energy, usually has outstanding personal creativity, knows how to express himself, is very generous in front of people, and is good at entertaining himself to attract people's attention. He is an acting genius who can spread happiness and love everywhere, so he can always press people's eyes and impress people in the first second. The most afraid thing is to be looked down upon by others. I'm afraid I can't do the light in my imagination. For this reason, I'm full of inferiority complex, easy to be angered, and can't accept the fact of being ignored. Like to conquer and be infinitely spoiled.

Leo boy personality♂

Advantage: Enthusiasm, good leadership, sense of justice

Weakness: pride, vanity

Personality description:
Leo boy is generous and has strong feelings. He is an extraordinary person. His enthusiasm and prestige enable him to succeed in his career and ideals. Arrogance is a prominent feature of his character. In addition, he is open-minded, far sighted, and has the ability to eliminate difficulties and control the situation. Therefore, it is easy for people to respect and admire him. In love, he is willing to use his infinite sincerity to win the heartfelt and unreserved love of the opposite sex.

Today's Leo Prediction

Leo Astrological Prediction for April 2024, The composite index was 79.25, Ranked No.8 in the Today's horoscope (View 12 Horoscope Rankings) Today's Leo Babies, The financial luck journey (93 points) is impressive, and one can make progress in financial luck; The health index is not very poor, and the body is the capital. It is important to pay attention to a balance between work and rest. The most suitable zodiac sign for you today is Cancer. If you have a crush, it may be a chance, but it's not necessarily just love! The guardian zodiac sign of Leo is most active from 5:00 to 6:00 PM today, which is the time when Leo has the highest luck. At the same time, facing south u2193 direction during this time is better for your luck. …[more..]