February 19 to March 20- Ruling house: twelfth
- Manage planets: : Neptune
- Attribute: negative
- Five Elements: water
- Today's Lucky numbers: ① Ⅰ
- Today's Lucky direction: southwest ↙
- Today's lucky color: orange or olive yellow or lilac
- Today's Lucky Fragrance: Jasmine
- Today's auspicious ornaments: obsidian bracelet or Pixiu bracelet
- The best match for the constellation: Scorpio, Cancer(Today best: Taurus)
Pisces girl personality♀
Advantage: Conscious, beautiful, gentle
Weakness: Introverted, not brave enough, likes to escape
Personality description:
With a good attitude of melting boundaries and getting along with others, coupled with the talent of a wise man, he understands the natural essence of the unity of all things and can be in a relaxed physical and mental state. May fall into unrealistic fantasy. In order to escape the tension and pressure of the living environment, there are often deficiencies of self pity, retreat and self deception. Moreover, because of confusion and poor rejection, they always make themselves in a passive and loose state. Pisces girl's natural love constellation seems to love, but she is always injured.
Pisces boy personality♂
Advantage: kind, gentle
Weakness: Weak willed, unpredictable
Personality description:
Pisces boys have a utopian ideological tendency. They muddle along in life. They don't like to make concessions in the face of difficulties. They are always eager for miraculous solutions or strong help from others. When they need him to make a decision, he is often helpless. People can't know what he is thinking or hoping for. He always acts very mysterious. Pisces boys generally lack a sense of reality and prefer profligacy. In love, he always lacks initiative and allows people to choose and pursue. If the other party doesn't take the initiative to tell him his feelings, he never considers paying.
Today's Pisces Prediction
Pisces Astrological Prediction for November 2024, The composite index was 71.00, Ranked No.12 in the Today's horoscope (View 12 Horoscope Rankings) Today's Pisces Babies, data err..…[more..]