Capricorn Monthly Horoscope: September 2022

composite index: avg: 79.17

composite index

love fortune: 2346 / avg: 78.20

Fortune Index: 2230 / avg: 74.33

Career Index: 2310 / avg: 77.00

health index: 2614 / avg: 87.13

Lucky color: Monthly Horoscope does not provide lucky colors, please check in the daily Horoscope.

Lucky number: ⑨ Ⅸ or ② Ⅱ

Lucky location: southeast or WEAT

Lucky perfume: wood tone or Driftwood or tea fragrance

auspicious ornament: The time span is too large, please refer to the daily Horoscope.

Lucky time: 6:00-7:00 PM or 5:00-6:00 PM

love pairing: Gemini is the best match, followed by Cancer

Capricorn Horoscope Trend Chart for September 2022 (Every week)

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope

Capricorn month of September 2022 Horoscope: composite index was 79.17,Ranked No.7 in the month horoscope for 2022-09(view 12 Horoscope for September 2022 Rankings) are not recommended in the fortune of the whole month. There is no prominent place in the ranking data. Being ordinary is also a blessing!

The financial luck index is a little low. You can take dim sum to deal with this matter. Gemini is the most suitable constellation for you this month, followed by cancer. In addition to love, it may also be your constellation that prospers in wealth/career; Capricorn's Guardian constellation has the most active time in 6:00-7:00 PM or 5:00-6:00 pm this month. This period is the time when Capricorn has the best luck (the active time depends on the daily fortune more accurately, and the monthly fortune time span is large, so the error is also relatively large). For details, you can go to the Capricorn Horoscope Today to check.

in Capricorn girls this month, you can use the wood flavors of or floating wood incense, or tea flavors, and of course, match with the appropriate color clothes and wear complementary accessories to make your luck/Charm higher. As the fortune attributes are changing every day, the specific fragrance and accessories

September 2022 Week 1 Horoscope (September 5-11)
composite index:79.29
love fortune:79.43
Fortune Index:71.43
Career Index:78.00
health index:88.29
Week Horoscope
September 2022 Week 2 Horoscope (September 12-18)
composite index:75.04
love fortune:69.86
Fortune Index:72.57
Career Index:68.86
health index:88.86
Week Horoscope
September 2022 Week 3 Horoscope (September 19-25)
composite index:81.39
love fortune:80.29
Fortune Index:79.86
Career Index:80.71
health index:84.71
Week Horoscope
September 2022 Week 4 Horoscope (September 26-2)
composite index:81.50
love fortune:82.00
Fortune Index:75.14
Career Index:82.57
health index:86.29
Week Horoscope

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope: Month OF September 2022

The above horoscope data is provided by Mofalulu Professional Astrology Calculation Center, please do not use it for commercial purposes without the permission of this site.

In order to facilitate the intuitive comparative analysis of horoscope data, the avg total value of each horoscope index in the constellation calculation results is 100.