Leo Horoscope Today:May 08, 2022

composite index:75.00

Leo composite index 75.00

love fortune:70

Fortune Index:73

Career Index:71

health index:86

Lucky color:ice blue or olive green or forest green

Lucky number:⑥ Ⅵ

Lucky location:South ↓

Lucky perfume:tea fragrance

auspicious ornament:Emerald Pendant or crystal ornament

Lucky time:6:00-7:00 PM

love pairing:Pisces

How will be your luck for Leo on May 08, 2022? The following is the interpretation of the Leo Horoscope index on May 08, 2022:

Leo Astrological Prediction for May 08, 2022 (Sunday,Chinese Calendar 2022-04-08),The composite index was 75.00,Ranked No.12 in the horoscope for May 08, 2022(View 12 Horoscope Rankings). Blessing and misfortune depend on each other. It's nothing to count down first. Come on, sister paper of the lion.

Today's Leo Babies,The love index is low. Don't be passive. Take the initiative to move him in time. Pisces and you get along best today. Ask her/him out boldly. There may be some moving stories in the future! Leo's Guardian sign is the most active from 6:00 to 7:00 pm today. This is the best time for Leo's luck. At the same time, facing south is better for your luck.

Mofalulu advice to Leo girls:

Leo Sister or sister May 8 you can wear ice, snow and blue (clothes, pants or shoes). If there is no ice, blue, olive or forest green, you can do it. If there is a mixture of ice, snow, blue and olive or forest, you can get a bonus in a reasonable match. With the fragrance of tea flavor, you can give away the charm that you can't refuse. If you have jade pendant or crystal pendant or jewelry with the same or similar attributes, remember to wear it. It can add points to your luck in love, wealth and career! Especially in love, crystal makes your charm shine more brightly:)

Leo Astrological prediction for May 8 from the Mofalulu.com

The above horoscope data is provided by Mofalulu Professional Astrology Calculation Center, please do not use it for commercial purposes without the permission of this site.

In order to facilitate the intuitive comparative analysis of horoscope data, the total value of each horoscope index in the constellation calculation results is 100.