Virgo Horoscope Today:May 15, 2022

composite index:74.25

Virgo composite index 74.25

love fortune:61

Fortune Index:73

Career Index:67

health index:96

Lucky color:bright yellow or Moonlight Blue or crystal color

Lucky number:⑨ Ⅸ

Lucky location:South ↓

Lucky perfume:Tangerine

auspicious ornament:lapis lazuli rosary or Emerald Agate

Lucky time:11:00-12:00 AM

love pairing:Cancer

How will be your luck for Virgo on May 15, 2022? The following is the interpretation of the Virgo Horoscope index on May 15, 2022:

Virgo Astrological Prediction for May 15, 2022 (Sunday,Chinese Calendar 2022-04-15),The composite index was 74.25,Ranked No.11 in the horoscope for May 15, 2022(View 12 Horoscope Rankings), the fortune ranking is a little bad. There is no worst, only worse. Look, you are not the last. Come on, virgin angels.

Today's Virgo Babies,The health index (96 points) is beautiful, and there is no need to worry about health; The love fortune (61 points) in each major fortune is not so beautiful. Blindly forbearing will only make him more and more crazy. When you need to insist, you must insist, as long as you think you are right here's a famous saying of "romance and Roland" about "love": every kind of love must have its spiritual essence. One essence flowers in full bloom, and the other essence withers. Physical love does not need mutual respect, and love cannot be reduced to simple pleasure

the most suitable constellation for you today is cancer. If you secretly love him, he happens to be cancer, today is a good time to confess! Virgo's Guardian sign is the most active in today's 11:00-12:00 am. This time is when Virgo has great luck. At the same time, facing south is better for your luck.

Mofalulu advice to Virgo girls:

Virgo Sister or sister May 15 you can wear bright yellow clothes or skirts (scarves or shoes); if there is no fresh yellow, the moonlight blue or crystal color is also acceptable. If the fresh yellow and moonlight blue or crystal colors are all there, it will be more reasonable. The perfume with orange flavor can make you more beautiful and moving today, and remember not to be too strong, otherwise it will backfire. If you have lapis lazuli beads or jadeite agate or jewelry with similar attributes, remember to wear it. It can add points to your luck in love, wealth and career! Lapis lazuli, as a symbol of heaven's power and nobility, implies peace, auspiciousness and brightness, represents hope, and has the attribute of blessing health and peace, disease-free and disaster-free.

Virgo Astrological prediction for May 15 from the

The above horoscope data is provided by Mofalulu Professional Astrology Calculation Center, please do not use it for commercial purposes without the permission of this site.

In order to facilitate the intuitive comparative analysis of horoscope data, the total value of each horoscope index in the constellation calculation results is 100.